Aug 8, 2012

Letter Openers

How many people today still use a letter opener (a.k.a. paper knife), when dealing with their mail? I know that I always have, and always will. Why? Couple of quick points:
  1. Less paper cuts
  2. Less fluffy paper flaps to clog up your bill filing folder
  3. It just looks good
  4. The concept of "slicing something open" makes you feel better than dreaming about what you want to do to your co-workers or teammates
  5. You can flip it through your fingers when you are bored (like a drum stick)
"Back in my day," the late 1980s, my grandfather gave me a letter opener that he had used at Dehn Optical for over 30 years. That is the only high school graduation present that I still have and still use.  He handed it to me in the back stock room of his storeroom and said "use this for all of the letters you get, it will keep you on the straight and true." You know what? It has, and still brings him to mind every time I slit open yet another bill. And it is now over 60 years old...still true to form.

Over the years, I've used other things to open my mail, but his has the most impact on me. But, what else I can recommend:

  • A micro Leatherman
  • A Swiss Army pocketknife
  • A butter knife from your kitchen
  • The small side of a pair of scissors
  • A small butterfly knife
I carry the small butterfly knife for my daily work (opening shipping boxes, dealing with paper mail, etc). BUT, when I sit in my easy chair in the evening to deal with my mail, I always reach for the letter opener.  Just a simple way to keep your life uncluttered... and reminisce about your family.

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