Read the can. It suggests seafood, poultry, salads, and meats. Why? Read the ingredients: celery salt, (salt, celery seed), spices (including red pepper and black pepper), and paprika. How many times do you already add all of those things to what you are making?
Click over to the Old Bay Seasoning website and do some exploring if you are interested in learning a LOT more ways to use it, and all of the other flavors of it they have. If you don't want to click over, start using it in your own cooking. Like my grandma always said "recipes are a guideline, make it taste the way YOU want."
To summarize the quote on the Old Bay site:
Sprinkle lovingly on all seafood, all shellfish, french fries & fried chicken, hamburgers & sandwiches, popcorn, pizza, hors d'oeuvres, dips & cheese platters, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, macaroni, meats & poultry, deviled eggs, scrabbled eggs, egg, tuna or chicken salad, casseroles, stir-frys, soups, stews and gumbo, Bloody MarysGo to the Old Bay Nation link to read some amazing ways people use it. Or even just search the internet for "old bay seasoning recipes." You'll get a TON of them. In other words, never cook without a little of it in or on everything. Happy tasting...